Your one-stop-shop
for preclinical development


From discovery to first-in-human, easy!

Route 21 is a startup born in 2022 fully dedicated to the creation of an European-wide one-stop-shop aimed at supporting startups and pharma companies in their preclinical development activities, «from Discovery to 1st in Human».

Our platform stands as a comprehensive tool for both the identification of the most suitable activity needed by your project, ranging from target discovery to first-in-human clinical trials, and the connection with the right partner to bring you research to the next step of development.

"Our aim is to change the paradigm of how preclinical research activities are done,

building a wide ecosystem of research services supporting each aspect of the discovery and pre-development phase."

Vladimir Kocsubej, CEO - Route21

Meet our team

"We boast an international presence

representing a network of niche service providers supporting your preclinical projects, spanning throughout Europe."

Beatrice Riva, CSO - Route21

Our sites are currently located in:

  • Milan, Italy | MIND Innovation District - Bio4Dreams
  • Como, Italy | Area Pharma Biotech - Bio4Dreams
  • Naples, Italy | MATERIAS
  • London, United Kingdom | JLabs
  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands | JLabs
  • Barcelona, Spain | JLabs
  • Pécs, Hungary | Jagiellońskie Centrum Innowacji
  • Krakow, Poland | Klaster LifeScience Kraków (KLSK)
Meet our team

The team


Vladimir Kocsubej

Chief Executive Officer

Nicola Pastori

Chief Financial Officer

Beatrice Riva

Chief Scientific Officer

Lucrezia Barone

financial analyst